Thursday, December 30, 2010

Coming to a conclusion

So it's time I wrap up the year. It's been a VERY good year, and a VERY good semester.

Last year's resolutions
1. Grow up
2. Become more adventurous and willing to take risks
3. Eat healthy
4. Work out
5. Obviously quit leading boys on
6. Quit sayin' freakin and eff
7. Find a sweet guy
8. Figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life
9. Let go of Facebook a little more..
10. Get rid of creepers!
11. Meet new people and make new friends
12. Open up and let others in more
13. Live life to its fullest

1. I met this first goal for sure! I've grown up dramatically I believe. From moving two hours away from home to paying for my own college and everything, to trying coffee and sitting in a scary automobile shop alone, I've definitely grown up!

2. I met this one too! I'm putting myself out there and giving people a chance and I love it!

3. This goal was not met. I chugged pop and ate candy like always.

4. This goal was DEFINITELY not met. There's no time!

5. I might have gotten worse with this one.....Not good!

6. I met this one I think!! I never say eff...Freakin', still need to work on that.

7. I've met some sweet guys this semester but not that one specific guy whom I will date and marry. At least, I don't think so...but who knows.

8. I feel like I'm getting closer to this one. I feel like I'm majoring in the right thing finally and I'm really starting to enjoy it. As for the future after college, that's kind of still a mystery.

9. The facebook thing is iffy. Sometimes I think I'm pretty good of letting go of it...but I still always have to get caught up with my newsfeed when I get back on!

10. I think I've gotten rid of creepers? At least the creepers I had last year! haha!

11. Best goal met this year! I've met soooo many great people at my new college and I love them all. Feels like I've known some of them FOREVER :)

12. I've gotten closer with certain people and have opened up to them so this was kind of met.

13. Most definitely! My friends and I plan so many things to enjoy and we are having an absolute blast!

This year's resolutions so far..I'll add on.

1. Work out
2. Do more caring things for people
3. Eat healthy

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sometimes I feel like I have the best life

I have the best family

I've kept the same friends for as long as I can remember and keep meeting new, amazing people as time goes on...

I am so blessed. I shouldn't complain as much as I do...I shouldn't worry about the little things, like money situations and such.

Ohhhh life :) I adore you.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Last year's resolutions

These were my top three resolutions for last year...and now, we're just going to look at these and reflect...I'm not sure if I met any of these goals!! HA

1. GROW UP - I am a very immature person and very naive. I need to step up and get out in the world and do something with myself..instead of just staying sheltered for the rest of my life.

2. EAT HEALTHY - I'm addicted to sweets, pop, etc. You know, all that horrible stuff for you. Yeah, I eat candy like it's candy. Anyways, I don't think I'll be one of those people to completely cut out pop or something completely for the whole year, but it wouldn't hurt to cut down.

3. BE MORE ADVENTUROUS - I'm not a risk taker. At all. This year I hope to not take things so seriously and not plan everything out. I need to be more spontaneous and just go for something, without having second thoughts.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Just a bunch of random that i've been thinking about

-I've enjoyed laughing hysterically and losing track of time

-life is too, too short to worry about the little things, like getting a C in won't matter in the long run

- i have too many stuffed animals but a lot less stuff in my room than i thought

-those people who don't want you in their life don't deserve you in their life

-i'm becoming obsessed with hot chocolate and hot beverages just recently

-I'm so blessed - my family includes some of the best people

- i kinda want to have someone special around for Christmas...

-Looking back on pictures makes me extremely happy, even if some of those good times are long gone, i'll always have the wonderful memories

-i want a cream winter coat for Christmas and happiness for my family

-I am loving where I'm at. I'm enjoying meeting new people. Bring on the new challenges because I am ready.

Monday, November 15, 2010


So since I'm not doing homework, I'll blog. It's not like I don't have homework; I have plenty of things I could be dong....In fact, a whole list...

1. I have a drawing due tomorrow, which isn't even close to being finished.
2. A 2-3 page page, a 3-4 page paper and a presentation all due on the first of December, all for the same class.
3. Lots of cleaning to do in this dorm room
4. A 5-7 page reflection paper
5. training for a job online

And that's just the beginning guys. But here I am,'s not even like I'm a serious blogger anymore either, so that just shows how much I don't want to do homework!

There are exactly six days until Thanksgiving break, school days that is...then when we return there are ten days left until Christmas....though I might be working during Christmas vacation...exciting right? Another fun thing to fill up my spare time that does not exist.
But here are the things I need to start saving up for, in new particular order:
Tuition for school
books for the next semester
new screen for laptop
new phone with unlimited texting
a new car that isn't older than me
apartment once i grow up

Yeah......My life. It revolves around money....and I have to go Christmas shopping sometime and have a ton of people on my's bad....

I also went through pictures on my computer and deleted a was sad..going through old memories..

this was a boring one. i don't even care!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I’m tired. At 10 p.m. I am honestly exhausted. This week hasn’t been so bad. I mean, we finally got the 125th Anniversary week of the college over and done with. And the homecoming was this last week. I’m basically just ready for October to be over and for Thanksgiving to be here.

My cousin got married last Saturday. It was a GREAT weekend. Time with the family is the absolute best. I didn’t get to see PC though which was sad. I’m hoping Thanksgiving will be the time to see him but who knows!

I have like two A’s out of all of the classes I am taking. The rest are high B’s and then my lovely high D in History. I’m going to have to work my butt off just to pull a B on in that class. That is, a low B.

I haven’t been extremely stressed, just with the usual homework and such. I seriously thought I have appendicitis tonight, which was rather terrifying.
This weekend should be enjoyable. Planning on going to some Halloween dance which should be okay I guess..I've decided to dress as a flapper because I’m too lazy and poor to buy anything extreme. I learned how to make my hair into a short bob and bought feathers to stick on my head, so I guess I’m set? Then on Saturday, some volunteer work from 8 am to 12 p.m. Then Andrew and I are gonna make Halloween cupcakes, and read the Tempest. On Sunday a few of us are going to go Trick or Treating because we’re super cool.

That’s all really. I found this jacket at Goodwill for just $1.94. I’m excited.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's the little things

Okay here it goes.

After being away for almost two months, I don’t even know what to update. I can honestly say that I’ve never been so busy in my life. I’ve been through beep and back..TWICE. Haha. No, but seriously….My life has had its ups and downs in the last month. I don’t really want to get into the details but let’s just say I’ve had to have more than one break down, which soooo isn’t me.

I let the little things get to me. I swear, People were testing me beyond my strength a month ago or so and I had just about had it. I take everything to heart and I had had just about enough of it. My attitude was out of control, my head was spinning, and I felt sick to my stomach for being such a brat.

On a positive note, I have the best friends and family in the world. And when I say the best, I mean THE BEST. Sadly, I haven’t exactly been the best friend to them lately.

I haven’t talked to Nicole on Facebook for longer than ten minutes for God knows how long. Usually I’m on enough to talk to her for a good thirty minutes, just to update each other on our lives. I’m sorry Nicole! I will really get around to calling you, hopefully sooner than later. Then we’ll be able to bond and laugh, because I miss you my friend.

I received a text from Christa last night and it was very sweet. She just reminded me that she thinks of me often and loves me. It’s nice to hear that. I usually try and send a card or text out to my friends letting them know that I love and care for them but lately, gosh, I just haven’t been doing it.

And Andrew, deserves more than one apology from me. He’s been there for me for the past month and half more than I could ever ask for. He’s had to deal with me breaking down, whining, stressing out, and just plain being a jerk to him….And he doesn’t deserve that, not one bit.

I know there’s more friends who I owe an apology to but I have to write a paper now.

It’s those little things that mean the world to me. Like I said earlier, I let the little things get me down, but it’s also those little things that bring me back up.

Sunshine outside helps brighten my mood.

A good laugh with friends in the newspaper room.

A visit from my family.

A compliment always makes my day better.

A phone call from my dad.

A good conversation with a friend. Just recently I’ve made good friends with a staff member on campus. He is so sweet to me and so much fun to talk to. It’s nice knowing that at least there’s someone who cares about my well-being here at this school.

But really, this school is good for the most part. I don’t want to sound negative and make it sound like it’s just plain awful. It’s just a few little things here and there. I’m just going to try and focus on the positive things in my life right now, and not concentrate on the negative things.

So that’s all you guys. I know there’s more but like I’ve mentioned, my paper….my life…whatever else I have to do.

Monday, September 6, 2010

This is what friends are for

I seriously have the best people in my life. I'm literally living for the weekends. I used to live for the weekends so I could go home and be with the family but now I'm living to see my friends and spend times with them!

On Friday two old friends of mine and one new friend went roller skating! It was hilarious. I hadn't been there since I was ten. Needless to say, I struggled quite a bit and probably looked dumb but it was fun. After skating we headed to Burger King and then to Andrew's house to watch a movie. Two of his friends came over and we bonded until 3:30 in the morning. Yessssssss.

Saturday morning we really didn't do a whole lot. Joc, me, Tony, and Truston hit up the Pizza Hut buffet. Then Joc and I headed into Wal Mart to get supplies for the cook out at Andrew's house that night. We laid out on his hammock for awhile tipping over backwards in it, cracking up. Around seven, the cook out started and Joc's fam was there, Andrew's fam, and some friends of Matthew. My family wasn't there which I guess is kind of weird. But then again, my friends' families are like my family so it's really nice having them all around. We ate, we talked, we laughed, we took pictures. Towards the end of the night we decided to lay out and stargaze. Andrew said he saw two shooting stars. I don't believe him. I still always manage to miss them....We laid out on a blanket and at one point I swear we laughed for five minutes straight. I could NOT breathe! It was so funny...These are the moments I live for. Just being with friends without a care in the world.

Around 11 we headed to one of Andrew's friend's house for a party. They had adorable little kittens there that we all played with. We basically just sat around and talked. Best party I've ever attended. Ha.

Sunday we headed to Joc's church times. Then she headed to her dad's house and Andrew and I hung out for a bit until Nicole came! YAY! I hadn't seen her since May so it was exciting. We went to the mall and bought each other dresses for our birthdays. She bought me this adorable lace dress:

It's sooo cute! I'm excited to wear it. I need to get a man...or someone to go on cute random dates with! I always need to buy more hangers because this town is tearing me up. I've bought so many clothes already...I got this cute green dress from Goodwill:

I'll probably wear it tomorrow.

What else? Oh, Nicole, Andrew, and I sat around on the hammock and had deep conversations. Always fun.

Today I went to lunch with my dad, uncle, and brother. Then Dylan and I hung out for the day. We went over to Joc's house and played cards and a board game for like four hours with her family. :)

I'm really enjoying it though...everything really. The school is good. Classes are good. I know the town well. I have friends that aren't far and I have friends' families here that I know I can count on....

Like I've said before and will say again, "Nothing is going according to plan; it's going better." :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

a new life

To my faithful blog readers, I apologize. According to a friend, I haven't updated in over two weeks.

Everything here is wonderful. I've only been here for a little over a week and it already feels like home. Maybe that's because it used to be home.

My roommate is super nice and we get along great which is nice. My classes are all good for the most part. Everything is pretty organized. I've been able to hang out with old friends. I've made A LOT of acquaintances. I've gone to church both Sundays that I have been here. The cafeteria food isn't horrible. I didn't have to take out a certain loan because the newspaper job is helping me pay it off. I went to the movies with two new friends the other night. My closet space is huge.

On the bad side, my books cost a lot of money. I haven't even attempted to look for a job. I've pondered changing my major again. I'm still a procrastinator and I'm still addicted to Facebook. But hey, what's new?

This is life though. These are the best times of your life, right? My list of things to do grows each and every day. I really, really need to get another job so I can start saving up for a car that's only ten years younger than me rather than twenty. I really don't have any extra time. I pondered laying off this semester and doing the paper and everything and then next semester having zero afternoon classes, only early 8 a.m. classes so that I would have the whole afternoon open for a job. This means I would have zero social life but hey, at least I'm getting it this semester? I don't know. What do you guys think? No, seriously, COMMENT fools!

I have no Labor Day plans. I pondered going home but my mom is working for the most part and Dylan won't even be there so that's not going down!

There's my update.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's so sad to say good bye but think how sad it'd be if you'd never said hello

I can seriously say that I love this boy. No, not in a romantic way, but as in very good friends.

He’s the one guy who knows exactly how to get under my skin and irritate me to no end. I’ve had to deal with him making fun of my feet and giving me crap for eating food all the time. Yet he’s also the one who knows just what to say to make me laugh. I mean, c’mon, at one time his nickname for me was Nuts.

I thought it'd be appropriate to add a candid shot of us. This is a normal picture of us - him saying something rude to me. I look completely disgusted while he's just being his normal joking self.

I’ve known him since he was in fourth grade. I still remember him and Dylan tying Christa and I up in their backyard. I even knew this boy when his voice was still high and he was eight or more inches shorter than me!

Over the years we've become closer and closer. We’ve camped, visited Chicago, rode the combine, hung out at the house, and even went to prom together one year.

Patrick is one who has been there for me. Whether it was on Facebook chat to listen to me whine about my “problems” or just knowing that I could count on him to say something funny to put me in a better mood. He’s one of the people that I was able to share exciting news with or vent to. He’d usually be honest with me and just tell me how it was.

This is also a boy who I can actually stand talking to on the phone with for two hours. I hate talking on the phone so that definitely says something about him.

I didn’t know how much this boy and his friendship meant to me until I had to actually say good bye yesterday. As most of you know, I’m not the type of girl to cry. But after we said our goodbyes, I got pretty teary and cried for most of the ride home. I absolutely hate having to leave people. I know it’s not permanent but I probably won’t see him for six months or so. And after spending so many times together, it’s just hard. By Christmas who knows how much will have changed. Who knows if we will have kept in touch. We’re going separate ways and everything will be completely different.

I really can’t think about it too much or I get teary-eyed. It’s all starting to set in though. I’m not going to be able to just travel ten miles to see his smiling face anymore.

I know that goodbyes have to take place in order for life to go on, but gosh, why do they have to be so hard?

I’m going to miss him. I talked to my step dad this afternoon about how I always feel like I care about people more than they care for me. However, James said, “He may treat you like a sister but that boy would do just about anything for you”.

So Patrick, good luck with everything. I’ll miss you something terrible. Keep in touch over Facebook chat. Heck, maybe I’ll even be up for another two hour phone conversation! HA!

Don’t forget how much I love you!

"Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."

Friday, August 13, 2010

Everything is falling into place

You know it's been a good week when you haven't had a chance to be on Facebook! I've been stressed with buying stuff for college, trying to figure out how to pay for college, working, and just random silly stuff. This last week has been wonderful though. My last day of work was a week ago so I've actually had time to do stuff!

I've been hanging out with friends like nonstop and I finished my scrapbook! I think I've got just about everything for I just have to organize and pack it up.

We're heading to the lake tonight. Mom, Cathy, Dylan, Patrick, Christa, and I. It'll basically be the last time for all four of us kids to be together and spend time. Patrick moves on Monday, Christa leaves Thursday and I leave Friday. Soon we'll only be skyping and texting...Well, I might randomly send them letters in the mail. It's just sad but I know it's what has to happen!

Oh! And I also found out that I just got switched to the better dorm at my college. Andrew put in a good word for me so it worked out.

I'm actually getting excited for life and college now. Weird?!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I swear i'm organized

Welcome to my room. The place where nothing really happens but a whole lot of stuff collects. I don't remember the last time I put away clothes. I kind of just leave them lying on my bed and then dig stuff out to wear. Tonight I played dress up, from my own closet. Is that lame? Ha. I'm thinking I need to quit buying clothes so I need to start mixing up outfits better.

And what is all this craziness?!?!

Oh, that's just my scrapbook leftovers! Ridiculous.

I need to get chopping my hair. I think I'm going to try and grow it out again. Look how long it was!!

Eight more hours of the Hut!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

just a little update on megan

I got to see my dad! :) Finally..I hadn't been up there since Christmas! Yes, I did get to him in between there for prom and graduation so I guess I can't complain huh?

He bought some college things for me...good stuff like shampoo, paper towels, batteries, etc. It's nice to have people help me out every once in a while even though I do prefer accomplishing everything by myself.

Dad and I had a long discussion about life and the future when he was taking me to meet mom. He stresses me out with all this growing up talk but I know it's for my own good and I am twenty-one now. Life is stressful though guys! I need to get a job to pay for college, bad! I also want to start saving up for a newer car, not like a 2011 or anything but something in the 2000's. Ha! My car now kinda creeps me out. So hopefully I can save up some this semester and this summer..I'll have to set a goal for myself I guess.

I'm getting closer to being finished to my scrapbook. I want to finish it this week somehow so I can be somewhat free finally this summer to enjoy it! Haha..yeah, the scrapbook is stressing me out.

Three days of work! Fifteen more hours of work and I will be turning in my Pizza Hut uniform or goodwilling it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

it's been a long day

A girl from my high school was killed in a car accident recently. She, her twin sister, and their roommate were all in the car and were hit head on.

I still cannot believe this has happened. It doesn't feel like it is real. Seeing her smiling face show up on the news is unreal. I don't know why such horrible things have to happen to such wonderful people. She had a bright, amazing future ahead of her.

She wasn't in my tight circle of friends but I was involved in a few of the same organizations with her and she attended my church. She was always positive and either smiling or laughing. And she was always nice to me. Everyone loved her.

When these kind of things hit close to home it just makes you appreciate everything in your life so much more. It made me want to tell all of my friends that I love them. I even apologized to one of my friends for being a jerk to him recently. It had for been hanging over my head for the past two days. And if you don't know me, I'm absolutely horrible at saying, "I'm sorry".

You can't live your life with regrets.

Suddenly the little things in life don't seem so important anymore. Or do they matter even more? I guess it depends on what the little things are.

I can't even begin to imagine what her sister is going through. They were sooo close, best friends, a lot like my brother and I. So I know it's going to be a long healing process for her and the family.

Just a few quotes..

"The minute you think you're going to lose something, it suddenly becomes the most important thing in your life."

"There will be two dates on your tombstone
everyone will read them, but the only thing
that matters is the little dash between them."

"Sometimes you'll never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

"Everyone knows we are all going to die, but I don't think that anyone believes it.
I think if they did, they would be doing things a whole lot differently."

You may never know how much you mean to another person..So let people know how much you care about them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm living in the past, it's true. I've been wanting to make a scrapbook of my senior year in high school FOREVER. I don't know why I've never gotten around to it, but I finally did today. I've laid out all of the pages except for Senior trip, NHS trip, and graduation.

Look at my room! The pages are taking over.

I have Saturday and Sunday off of work for sure! I'm pumped...Now what am I going to do with those two days? Not a clue.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Family Vacation

I have the best family. Now, I know everybody says that but I really think that I do! Ha. I don't want to brag or anything...I may not have the best car, or the best job but I do have the best family!

We had soooo much fun. I won't go into too much detail because I'd bore you all. There were lots of bonding times out on the deck talking about life. I found out that I'm a lot more like my Nana than I realized. We talked about marriage and boys. She told me, "I would always find boys that I would like but then after I found one flaw I was finished." I'm exactly like that! So great.

We did a lot of shopping and eating. Ellen, Addie, and I got an old time photo for $45. Ouch...none of us even ended up liking it! At one time us four wanted to order pizza but Pizza Hut wouldn't deliver to us! We were upset! We went hungry that night..

The lake was great times for all. We went tubing and played Blokus. I enjoy the water a lot..but I don't think I'm adventurous enough to live by it! Ha!

But my family, they're adorable. All the spouses end up wearing the same color of shirt on most days. I don't even think they plan it. My uncle and aunt that we rode with are ADORABLE. I want a marriage just like them. They laugh and joke a lot and are just cute!

I wish I live closer to all of them. Spending the holidays with them just isn't enough. I never realize how much I truly miss each and every one until I am with them.

When we were getting ready to leave on Sunday Nan said, "It's so sweet to see all of you kids together." And she started to cry! It was horribly sad.

It's nice to be home I suppose. Vacations are great. They really do take your mind off of everything. My cousins and I kept saying stuff like,
"If your boyfriend cheated on you back home, everything is fine here!"
"If you're pale at home, you're tan here!"
"If you are taken at home, you're single here!"

Loved it. Every single minute.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I am a SLACKER! Sorry. I really say that I've been busy, because I haven't! I've been being a lazy bum with the family and it's been lovely! I still have holes in my gums but the wisdoms don't hurt whatsoever! I'm still hoping for no scary dry sockets and such.

Fourth of July was lame. I just hung out with these two guys.

We partied hard. Not. HA. We missed like three firework shows and ended up getting ice cream..good times though I suppose.

Life's been a little rough for the past week though with things going on. I'm never one for conflicts and like to fix things and this time it doesn't look like it's happening.

I haven't been depressed but I haven't been happy lately. I think I'm just going through the motions right now. Sad summer is about over and that I haven't done anything this summer.

We leave for vacation with the extended fam soon so that'll be SUPER nice. I'm sooo ready!

20 days until my birthday that I have no idea what I am doing

Things I'm lacking this summer:
Beach bod
summer romance

It's sad because I don't have the motivation or drive to pursue either of these things! haha!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's a painting and pudding kind of day

I've been painting, eating pudding, cleaning, and watching tv all day. It's my last day off of work! Bummer huh? I've had three days off and I'm just getting used to it. I don't what to go back. At all. Maybe I should put my two weeks in! Ha!

Here's my painting results.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good day for livin' life

I went to Goodwill today. Yes, the day after my surgery. I'm feeling great! I've been a little drowsy and the blood kept coming for a while but other than that I feel completely normal. I got two shirts which I'm pretty psyched about.

I'm really into yellow this summer for some reason. And I totally cannot wear it. Dumb red hair. But I figured I could layer it with vests or shrugs or stuff so it won't appear soooo YELLOW!
Yes, this is one of the "I'm going to go on a hot date" shirts. Haha! It was so cute, I couldn't resist!

I went through clothes again and have a pile already to give to Goodwill. I'm good at getting rid of clothes!

Tomorrow my plan is to clean the house. It's in pretty bad shape. I think I might also paint that mirror and a stepping stone. Right now it's a Jayhawk that I painted on there like seven years ago..I never finished it. Ha.

But I think I'm going to paint this saying on it because I like it a lot!

Monday, June 28, 2010

My wisdom teeth experience

Today was the day, the day that I was finally going to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I had done my research. I read all kinds of stories, some successful, some horrific. I looked up laughing gas and how that worked. When it came down to it, I had probably freaked myself out even more by supposedly “preparing myself” for this awful thing.

We left right at three and arrived at the dentist office around 3:35. My appointment was scheduled for 3:50. Great, I thought to myself, fifteen minutes to sit and dread. However. we were barely sitting down for five minutes when they called me in.

A hygienist was working that I had never met. She seemed pretty nice. She read the complications that could occur such as swelling, infections, permanent numbing. My heart was beating rapidly at that time. Then it was time for the gas, the “laughing gas”. She stuck that thing on my nose and said, “Now, tell me if you start feeling sick to your stomach”. I replied with, “I’m already feeling sick to my stomach! I’ve been feeling sick for the last week just thinking about this day!” She laughed and I grew a little calmer. The gas started kicking in and I tried preparing myself to go into this new world that I had read so much about on the internet. However, this big moment never came. I didn’t feel light headed or dizzy. My limbs didn’t go numb or feel heavy or light. And I most certainly did not start to laugh! The only thing I noticed was that my heart quit beating so fast and I was beginning to feel rather sleepy.

The doctor came in, gave me my shots and man, those things hurt a lot more than I remembered. I swear he gave me like twenty shots! I was beginning to feel my cheeks expand. He left and it was just me and the hygienist. My tongue was going numb and when she starting asking me questions I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

Hygienst: “So where do you work?”
Megan: “Piiiizahh Hufd”

I don’t know how she managed to understand me but she did. She went into some conversation about her son working at Pizza Hut. In the meantime I kept feeling my lips to see how wide my mouth was open. I knew I had to look like an idiot. How she kept from laughing, I do not know.

Before I knew it, he was back and ready to get after these teeth. He warned me that there’d be more pressure on the bottom ones. He told me to open my mouth and he stuck some tool that I did not get a peek out in there. In less than ten seconds, he pulled out the tool and said it was out. I was stunned. Yeah, there was pressure and all but I expected it to take a lot longer than that. I expected some intense sighs from him and multiple tools coming out to get the job done.

He left for a bit, and came back to take care of the other bottom one. Turns out this tooth had an infection, the infection that I was whining about four months ago. So that was probably the most painful part. The hygienist stuck some gauze in there and told me to bite down. I couldn’t tell if I was biting down or not because I was still numb. I asked, “Am I biting down?!” What an idiot.

Okay, so the bottom teeth are out, I thought. I figured the top wouldn’t be any worse. It was time to work on the top ones. The first one wasn’t bad at all. More gauze, he left to work on other patients. One more to go! I was so excited I could barely stand it. I just hoped it wouldn’t take long.

Finally he came back and washed out my mouth and said something about being done. I was so confused. I tried speaking to ask him, “What about that other top one?” He was like, “It’s out. I took it out when I took that first bottom one out.” Oh my gosh! They were out! All of them!

So that was my experience. My face was numb for at least four hours and I couldn’t either talk. Also I’ve been drooling it up which is quite disgusting but I’ll save you all from the details.

It’s been five hours since the ordeal and I’m doing well now. Ate some tomato soup and took my first pain pill.

Here I am. I think I look quite darling considering….haha!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wisdoms for one more day.

Well, the day trip went well though I didn't enjoy being the only "kid" there. Here's some pictures for you guys to enjoy from the trip. I like my skirt a lot.

I finished my funfetti. Yeah...I'm pretty sure I ate more than 3/4 of it! I found out today that one of the guys that I like a lot at Pizza Hut is putting his two weeks in. I am sad about that. Today he told me that I was the bomb and he liked that I wasn't stuck up. I try not to be stuck up. I'm pretty sure that it's not in my blood to be mean.

Dylan and I watched "Remember Me" last night. It was really good! I liked it a lot. I didn't hear a whole lot of positive feedback from it so I wasn't expecting a whole lot.

The wisdoms come out tomorrow guys. Mark your calendars. Monday, June 28th at 3:50 p.m. I expect a good luck or best wishes text from all of you at that time! Haha!