Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's a painting and pudding kind of day

I've been painting, eating pudding, cleaning, and watching tv all day. It's my last day off of work! Bummer huh? I've had three days off and I'm just getting used to it. I don't what to go back. At all. Maybe I should put my two weeks in! Ha!

Here's my painting results.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good day for livin' life

I went to Goodwill today. Yes, the day after my surgery. I'm feeling great! I've been a little drowsy and the blood kept coming for a while but other than that I feel completely normal. I got two shirts which I'm pretty psyched about.

I'm really into yellow this summer for some reason. And I totally cannot wear it. Dumb red hair. But I figured I could layer it with vests or shrugs or stuff so it won't appear soooo YELLOW!
Yes, this is one of the "I'm going to go on a hot date" shirts. Haha! It was so cute, I couldn't resist!

I went through clothes again and have a pile already to give to Goodwill. I'm good at getting rid of clothes!

Tomorrow my plan is to clean the house. It's in pretty bad shape. I think I might also paint that mirror and a stepping stone. Right now it's a Jayhawk that I painted on there like seven years ago..I never finished it. Ha.

But I think I'm going to paint this saying on it because I like it a lot!

Monday, June 28, 2010

My wisdom teeth experience

Today was the day, the day that I was finally going to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I had done my research. I read all kinds of stories, some successful, some horrific. I looked up laughing gas and how that worked. When it came down to it, I had probably freaked myself out even more by supposedly “preparing myself” for this awful thing.

We left right at three and arrived at the dentist office around 3:35. My appointment was scheduled for 3:50. Great, I thought to myself, fifteen minutes to sit and dread. However. we were barely sitting down for five minutes when they called me in.

A hygienist was working that I had never met. She seemed pretty nice. She read the complications that could occur such as swelling, infections, permanent numbing. My heart was beating rapidly at that time. Then it was time for the gas, the “laughing gas”. She stuck that thing on my nose and said, “Now, tell me if you start feeling sick to your stomach”. I replied with, “I’m already feeling sick to my stomach! I’ve been feeling sick for the last week just thinking about this day!” She laughed and I grew a little calmer. The gas started kicking in and I tried preparing myself to go into this new world that I had read so much about on the internet. However, this big moment never came. I didn’t feel light headed or dizzy. My limbs didn’t go numb or feel heavy or light. And I most certainly did not start to laugh! The only thing I noticed was that my heart quit beating so fast and I was beginning to feel rather sleepy.

The doctor came in, gave me my shots and man, those things hurt a lot more than I remembered. I swear he gave me like twenty shots! I was beginning to feel my cheeks expand. He left and it was just me and the hygienist. My tongue was going numb and when she starting asking me questions I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

Hygienst: “So where do you work?”
Megan: “Piiiizahh Hufd”

I don’t know how she managed to understand me but she did. She went into some conversation about her son working at Pizza Hut. In the meantime I kept feeling my lips to see how wide my mouth was open. I knew I had to look like an idiot. How she kept from laughing, I do not know.

Before I knew it, he was back and ready to get after these teeth. He warned me that there’d be more pressure on the bottom ones. He told me to open my mouth and he stuck some tool that I did not get a peek out in there. In less than ten seconds, he pulled out the tool and said it was out. I was stunned. Yeah, there was pressure and all but I expected it to take a lot longer than that. I expected some intense sighs from him and multiple tools coming out to get the job done.

He left for a bit, and came back to take care of the other bottom one. Turns out this tooth had an infection, the infection that I was whining about four months ago. So that was probably the most painful part. The hygienist stuck some gauze in there and told me to bite down. I couldn’t tell if I was biting down or not because I was still numb. I asked, “Am I biting down?!” What an idiot.

Okay, so the bottom teeth are out, I thought. I figured the top wouldn’t be any worse. It was time to work on the top ones. The first one wasn’t bad at all. More gauze, he left to work on other patients. One more to go! I was so excited I could barely stand it. I just hoped it wouldn’t take long.

Finally he came back and washed out my mouth and said something about being done. I was so confused. I tried speaking to ask him, “What about that other top one?” He was like, “It’s out. I took it out when I took that first bottom one out.” Oh my gosh! They were out! All of them!

So that was my experience. My face was numb for at least four hours and I couldn’t either talk. Also I’ve been drooling it up which is quite disgusting but I’ll save you all from the details.

It’s been five hours since the ordeal and I’m doing well now. Ate some tomato soup and took my first pain pill.

Here I am. I think I look quite darling considering….haha!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wisdoms for one more day.

Well, the day trip went well though I didn't enjoy being the only "kid" there. Here's some pictures for you guys to enjoy from the trip. I like my skirt a lot.

I finished my funfetti. Yeah...I'm pretty sure I ate more than 3/4 of it! I found out today that one of the guys that I like a lot at Pizza Hut is putting his two weeks in. I am sad about that. Today he told me that I was the bomb and he liked that I wasn't stuck up. I try not to be stuck up. I'm pretty sure that it's not in my blood to be mean.

Dylan and I watched "Remember Me" last night. It was really good! I liked it a lot. I didn't hear a whole lot of positive feedback from it so I wasn't expecting a whole lot.

The wisdoms come out tomorrow guys. Mark your calendars. Monday, June 28th at 3:50 p.m. I expect a good luck or best wishes text from all of you at that time! Haha!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Funfetti makes me happy

I made a funfetti cake tonight. Just because. Just because I am disgusting and love cake. :) Half of the reason why I make it is so I can eat the batter. Yes...raw eggs = delicious.

I FINALLY went to see Toy Story 3 today and let me tell you, it was SAD! Dylan told me that one of his friends had said that the ending was touching. However, five minutes into it and I was already tearing up. But it was really good.
Heading on a day trip tomorrow with my mom and Cathy. Should be fun times. I'm gonna wear my skirt that I never wear. Haha.

My freckles are popping out like crazy these days. They're starting to tick me off. I've always thought freckles were moderation! AHHH!! Like I can tan, but with tanning comes more freckles so what's the point? Bleh.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mirror, mirror

I need to repaint my mirror. I'm bored with it. I painted it last summer for my dorm room but now I need something new. Right now it's a black border with like purple, green, blue, and yellow polka dots. I thought about like pink and black stripes or something...or maybe yellow? I'm really getting into yellow this summer. I wish I could wear it. Darn you red hair.

So if you guys have any suggestions....if anyone reads should give me some ideas...yes, YOU!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nothing wrong with a hotdog and a hanger

Dylan, Patrick, and I decided that we would go camping on Thursday night. Thursday morning, I headed to work at Pizza Hut hoping that 5 p.m. would come fast so I could do something halfway exciting in my life! On my break, I texted Patrick to see what I needed to buy for this adventure. He texted back saying, “Buy some slim jims for hot dogs.” Okay, so at this point I was confused. Why the heck would I buy slim jims instead of hot dogs? We would end up starving! After work I headed to the grocery store, tried calling Pat to see what he meant. Of course, no answer. So then I called grumpy Dylan and asked, “Am I supposed to buy hot dogs?” He got mad and told me I was an idiot or something. I ended up buying hot dogs and searched all over the store for a container of slim jims to go along with the hot dogs. I couldn’t find any but the off brand and I figured Pat would be ticked. He’s an on brand kind of guy.

After arriving at Patrick’s house, I told him all the trouble I had went through and how confused he had left me. He CRACKED up. Turns out these “slim jims” are the things that you put hot dogs on while cooking them over the fire. I did not know this at all. And I don’t know why Patrick would think that I would know this. I mean, c’mon! So the camping trip was off to a “great” start.

We packed all of our junk up and headed to the middle of a pasture. We forgot fire wood so we had to look all over the place, gathering huge logs that Patrick later chopped with his axe. It took a good hour for the boys to start the fire. I was on “grass duty” as Patrick calls it, gathering dead grass to get this thing going. I still have blisters from ripping that stuff out of the ground. I’m so tough!

Finally the fire started up. Another mistake that happened on this trip was that the stakes for the tent were missing. We completely had to improvise, using all sorts of things that Patrick found in the bed of his truck.

The hot dogs were amazing. Good laughs, good pictures, and good times shared by all.

We went to bed around 3 a.m. I couldn’t get to sleep for the life of me because it was so hot. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep somewhere around four and woke up at least every thirty minutes. Yuck. We woke up bright and early at 7:15 a.m. I felt absolutely disgusting considering the sun was beaming in and I had slept in my contacts. Ew. That’s the worst feeling ever though, waking up sweating in a tent!

All in all, it was good times. I love those boys!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Things that happened today

I am bored and feel the need to update about random things that happened today.

I went to Dairy Queen with my step dad and had some good bonding time. I got a heath bar blizzard. It was absolutely delicious.

I burnt taco shells. I put them in the microwave for 2 minutes..oops. They were really, really burnt.

I made these horrible noodles. Then mom fed them to my stepsister's baby and he puked on and off for two hours. I am so confident in my cooking abilities.

I looked at father's day cards but didn't buy any. Blah. I miss my father too.

I received a letter in the mail telling me to renew my subscription for Seventeen magazine. They said that I could renew and get 36 issues for only $18. I pondered this but then realized that this would mean that I'd be receiving this magazine until I was 24 years old!

I watched My Best Friend's Wedding. It's one of the best movies ever.

I ordered a chicken fried steak and actually didn't ask for no gravy on it. I'm growing up.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Talk about a good three days. I absolutely love, love, love my friends. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted but there's always next time right? Ha. But no, I really love my friends and I never realize how much I really miss them until I am with them for a few days. Then I get home and I feel empty because I'm so used to having them around! These are the friends that I only get to see like three times a year. I'm soooo going to have to change that and step up next semester.

But yeah, it was good to catch up with everyone. Everyone is heading their separate ways, living life. Andrew heads up to a camp for the summer to be a counselor. Jocelyn is doing much better after having her surgery though she still needs to have another one scheduled in the near future. Lindsay is doing well with her boyfriend and heads up to his farm to help with harvest. I'm happy for everyone and glad that all is well with them. As for me, I'll be heading up to college soon and this weekend I got to visit with the head newspaper teacher that I'll be working with. He seems nice, though I'm kind of intimidated by him because he didn't smile a whole lot! It's going to be very different from my last college but I am soo ready and excited! Bring it on.

What else? I'm watching CMT music awards. I painted my toenails again. I swear, I repaint them every week; I have an obsession with perfect polish. Yuck.

Oh, I scheduled a time to visit my dad...finally. I'll be going up in late July. YES. I miss him. Having a job isn't fun you guys! I can't just go do whatever I want, whenever I want! Haha...I'm so selfish. But yeah...I wrote Nan a letter and she said that Dylan and I could come up for a few days and visit them I'm hoping to do that soon..

Okay i'm done. I shouldn't be boring all you with my life. And i'm tired so it's gotta be boring!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Packing, packing, packing

I looooove packing. I've gotten so used to it over the years with traveling to see dad every other weekend. I always make out a list of things I need to bring so I don't forget anything. Packing is just kind of relaxing for me. It's fun to pick out outfits and get everything laid out and organized. Man, I'm weird huh? You should see how much I have packed for just three days. It's insane! I think I have two dresses, two pairs of shorts, two pairs of jeans, like ten shirts, and a ton more. Insane?! Yes. But, you never know what's going to go down so you have to be prepared for anything. Here's how it's going so far..

Yep, just three days. :) I am soooo excited to leave and have three days off of work to go spend some summer days with my friends.

Christa and I didn't end up going to the pool today. It was RAINY! Of course...the rain always ruins everything. So we just stayed home and were lazy.

Last night was FUN. Christa and I did some serious dances and it was hilarious! We were learning moves and getting exercise. Then we tried teaching mom a dance and she caught on pretty quickly. It was great just cracking up and enjoying ourselves. We also hung out with Trevor and one of his buddies Ryan. Played some frisbee but it failed because it was so windy. Then we tried out Battle of the Sexes. That was interesting. I think the bean bag game went over well with them though, so that's always good!!

Summer is going good. I'm ready for our Branson vacation with the extended family. That doesn't go down until mid July though.

Now I will go continue my packing and I believe Mom and I are going to watch Dear John.

You guys enjoy your weekend! :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Be a best friend, tell the truth, overuse "I love you"

I get to see all of my far away friends in less than four days! I am sooooo so so sooooo excited. I usually go up there once a summer to catch up with everyone, take pictures, and just have a great time with old friends. I haven't seen Lindsay in six months! AHHHH, that's crazy stuff.

I braided my hair last night after my shower to see how it'd look. I cannot braid my own I can't do it! SO it's a mess. Ha, this is the result:

But yeah, I thought I'd wear it like that to the pool if I ever go this summer so my hair doesn't get all tangly and gross. Christa and I might go this week. YAY! I tried on my swimsuit last night as well too. Let me tell you, my beach bod is lacking. Not like I'm trying to impress anyone...even though every time I go somewhere with people I always say, "Today I'm going to meet my soul mate!" Haha...Yeah..I better work on the beach bod..

I sliced my finger at Pizza Hut. Ouch.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Letters and blueberry muffins

I am EXHAUSTED! It is 8:30 p.m. and I could fall asleep right now. Last night, I decided to go to bed at 11. Well, I read at 11 until 11:40 or so....Still, I could NOT manage to fall asleep. I hate thinking you guys! But yeah, I'm starting to read again! I found a Luanne Rice book at Goodwill so I'm into that right now.

Yes, I went to Goodwill again. Ha. I actually took all my trash sacks this time. I took three large sacks full of clothes. Crazy? Yes. And I only managed to buy two shirts, Battle of the Sexes board game, and the book. YAY! I'm pumped to play this game. I'm seeing a board game night in the future. :)

I also went to Kohls and found two shirts on sale. New clothes make me happy. And I only spent $18 altogether on four shirts. Can you beat that? These clothes are pretty cute!

I've been filling out college stuff today...that's not fun. I also finally wrote my letter to Nan. I put stuff off soooo bad.

Blueberry muffins were for supper. I ate two and have four saved away in a ziplock bag to snack on later. Later meaning now.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Always something.

I'm wishing that there could be a time in my life where I wasn't worrying about something. I mean, I have my good days where I feel like I have no troubles but there's ALWAYS something in the back of my mind that's stressing me out or worrying or bothering me.

Just a few days ago it felt like my health was just deteriorating! Something kept coming up! I already have the awful rashes, but then my heart starting hurting again. I finally went to the doctor for the rashes and he told me it was some sort of eczema. So I now have pills to take and cream to rub in to the skin. An hour after visiting the doctor I got a KILLER sore throat. I open up my mouth and there's this huge white thing on one of my tonsils. OF course, this freaks me out because I am a big baby and health stuff scares me. Once I get home I immediately google it and discover it's called a tonsil stone....ewww..doesn't that just make you want to gag?

So I've been worrying about that, my heart, the rashes, being sore, and all over sorts of issues. I often wonder why God couldn't just make our bodies perfect..Blah.

But finally, there is light. Pretty sure I swallowed the tonsil stone this morning. Disgusting? Yes...and I totally should not have shared that with you guys. My rashes are looking better as well. Yay.

But there's still things hanging over my head. I finally set up my appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed. June 28th is the big day. So I will be dreading that.....Man...I get nervous for EVERYTHING.

I also have been needing to write a letter to Nan. OH and I'm totally writing a letter to the editor of Seventeen magazine. In this issue she said that she'd respond to every girl who sends her an old fashioned letter. Yeah, I'm pretty lame huh? haha.