Thursday, July 21, 2011

Birthday Dress

Every birthday, for as long as I can remember, my mom would put a wrapped present under my pillow. She would sneak down either late the night before my birthday or early the next morning, just so she wouldn't wake me. I would wake up and feel the wrapping paper from under my pillow and the anticipation was so built up.

Usually the gift would contain a new shirt or dress, which I would put on to show my mom. I would end up wearing the outfit for the whole day.

Well this year, I am not living with my mom. For the first time ever, I will not wake up to a present beneath my pillow. Luckily, she, Cathy, and Christa are traveling two hours to spend a few hours with me on my birthday.

Every girl wants to feel special, especially on her birthday. She wants to find that perfect birthday outfit that makes her feel beautiful. Usually my mom would supply that. Well, this year, I went out and treated myself to my own birthday dress to wear on the special day.

Every girl has the right to splurge for herself, right?

Monday, July 18, 2011

True friends can go long periods of time without speaking and never question their friendship.

This is true.

Life gets busy and sometimes you don't always get the chance to check up on your loved ones. It's not as if you forget about them; it's just that life overtakes and before you know it, it's been a month since you last communicated with someone you once spoke to every single day.

I was recently feeling down because a good friend of mine wasn't responding to my texts one bit, even when I asked questions. I was beginning to feel as if I was starting to annoy him.

We chatted on Facebook and he said something that completely reassured me.

"You shouldn't need reassurance of our friendship Megan. Not responding to a few texts doesn't wipe away 9 years in the slightest."

I knew that. That's what I always tell my friends when I realize that I haven't been communicating very well. You don't need to be reassurance.

The thing is... sometimes you do. Sometimes people need to hear it. Sometimes it's nice to get a response back, especially when you haven't spoke to someone in a while. It's nice to get a random "I love you".

If you love someone, tell them; tell them as often as you can.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

There are more good people in this world than bad

Today, my car broke down. And it was scary. I couldn't find my emergency lights for the life of me (I should have known where these were but I've never had to before) So I was stranded on the road at a stoplight. So whenever the light turned green, I would wave people on past me while I continued to search for my lights....

People honked at me. People yelled at me. People stared at me. People are mean.

I frantically continued calling everyone I knew in the city to help me or at least give me directions on what I should do. I'm such a girl. But I didn't want to screw anything up any more than I all ready had.

Finally I reached my friend's mom and she said she was all ready in the area and would be there soon. Just as I hung up, a man in a Culligan truck pulled over, and put on his emergency lights. He got out and asked if I needed any help. I started speaking, extremely fast, noticing that my voice was quivering. He told me that he would help me push my car across the street and out of the way.

For me, this one kind man who offered to help, overpowered all the mean people. I'll forget the mean things people have done, but I'll always remember the kindness from people.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Thank God for people like you, otherwise there wouldn't be moments like this

When you’re with one of your best friends, it doesn’t matter what you do and you still have a good time.

This weekend I went up to visit my friend Jocelyn’s extended family for their annual Fourth of July celebration. It was an absolute blast. She has such a welcoming and loving family. We played cards, laughed, woke up early, ate a t on of food, had a water balloon fight, lit fireworks, took pictures and so much more. I even got a bit of a tan!

Some may not know, but I am staying with her immediate family during the summer so I can work my jobs. They’ve been SO good to me. I am such a lucky and blessed girl to have so many families and people who love and care about me.

I just hope that I do the same for my friends and their families.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm ready......

To get back out into the dating world. The world of men. The world of relationships.

Now when I go places with friends, I always say, "Tonight, we're going to meet our soulmates!" But, I never take it seriously. Well, today is the day. The start. The journey to finding my soulmate.

I've been single for 2 1/2 years. I've kind of bashed love for the last two, and especially in the last year for multiple reasons that we will not get into right now.

I've been asked out on many dates in the past but I've just blown them off, nonchalantly. Or just never followed through.

But now I am happy with myself. I'm at a good place. I think I'm ready to find someone.

Someone to have late night chats with...

Someone to surprise....

Someone to take cute pictures with....

I'm ready to get ready for a date. I'm ready for someone to care about me and check in on me, just because.

Now, this doesn't mean that I'm going to lower my expectations and go on dates with just anyone. It just means I'm going to be more open. More open to love.

I'm ready for someone to give me butterflies. And I'm ready to find someone who I can be myself with.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Life is just good

As we were driving around the town my grandparents live in, they were pointing out all kinds of random places. Nan and Pop, both in their mid-eighties, in front, my brother, mom, and me in the backseat.

Pop: "There's the senior citizen."

Nan: "We're not old enough to go there. It's a place for socializing. And we don't socialize."

Haha! You'd have to know Nan to really get a kick out of that....just the way she said it. They crack me up. Many members in my extended family prefer to be around no more than five people. Being involved in large groups gets rather wearing on a person.

During our visit, we also spoke about moving and life changing and how hard it can be. I will leave you with a quote from my wise grandmother.

"Life is just good where ever you are."

Monday, July 4, 2011

I enjoy conversation that comes easily. The kind where I don't have to think of what to say next.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I always seem to want a boy for the 4th of July more than any other holiday.....there's just something about sitting under the fireworks with a boy...

Friday, July 1, 2011

One reason

I miss the country because now I can't go outside and take a billion obnoxious pictures of myself with different scenery. If I go outside in town, I may get strange looks from the neighbors.