Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Friends Forever

The bachelorette party was soooo worth the gas. I missed my friends so much and it's wonderful to see them. On the way up, I got the chance to stop by my future college and talk with some people and get things straightened out. Andrew and I walked around campus for a while and I got super excited. I'm so ready to be up in the city again and not in the country. Another plus, I'll be two hours closer to my far away friends!

While touring, we stopped and talked to the theatre professor. He asked how Andrew and I met and such. When we told him we had basically known each other since we were five he was amazed. I realized that I do have a lot of friends from a long, long time ago that I have kept in touch with over the last ten years. I'm absolutely horrible at losing people.

I went to a bar for the first time this weekend for the party. That was pretty exciting, well, it was something new. Haha. I don't really know if it's my thing. I'm just not much of a dancer, maybe that's just because I stink at dancing? Maybe if I was better at it then I would like it. But two-stepping? Man, I was bad...I don't think I have an ounce of country in me.

Today mom decided to be spontaneous and go shopping. We hit up some local clothing stores and then mom wanted to go to goodwill. I got an adorable halter top and some shorts. Yay!!! Then we headed to Kohls and I found sunglasses on sale for like $8. I've been needing some so I totally bought them. Once I got to the register, they only rang up at $2.78. I love sales.

I look terrible in sunglasses. Haha.

I found out that I get off of work both Friday and Sunday. Friday is prom, so I get to hang out with Christa and Andrew and everyone. Sunday is Easter. We'll probably head to church and then hang at my aunt's house for the afternoon. I think I might wear a dress.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

All is well

Goodness gracious. I don't think I've updated for a week...Perhaps I've been busy? Haha, yes...I think so..

Life has been getting better and better with each day. On Monday I found out that I got the weekend off for the party. I straight up called nicole right then and there. I was so happy! I also finally got paid and lots of other little things.

Today work wasn't very good but I just kept counting the hours down, knowing that with each one, I was getting closer to seeing my best friends! I swear, I messed up a ton today at work and of course the manager was there. I am almost positive that I mess up ten times more when she is there. I don't do too horribly bad when she isn't, which is lame. Oh, and I also sliced my finger pretty bad. It bled for quite for a bit and I thought I was going to be a goner there for a while. Ha!

That's really all. I don't have any deep thoughts for anyone which is good I think. I need to make some cookies for this party. Yum..cookie dough.. :)

Life is good. Even my Facebook daily message from God agreed.
It read: "All is going according to plan. Trust that there is a bigger picture. Trust that life is unfolding as it should."

I need to trust more.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

These stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to

My brother got back from New York last night. Mom and I went to pick him up around 11:30 p.m. last night. It's good to have the kid back but good gosh, we've been fighting it up, and usually we never fight so it's kind of weird. He got me some cute souvenirs though. Haha.

We've been watching Disney movies and stuff all day, being lazy bums. We went through Mary Poppins, the Aristocats, and then The Little Mermaid. I love Disney movies...Then we watched American Idol.

My favorite girl got voted off American Idol tonight and sang "The Story" for her ending song. My favorite lyrics from the song are mentioned in my title.

I didn't have to work today or yesterday but I have to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...and then I'll probably end up having to work the next five days too! Depressing much. So I basically don't get to spend a lot of time with anyone. Hopefully I can hang out with one of my friends sometime.

Mom and I spent the day shopping yesterday. I finally got a pair of denim shorts and for only $10! Exciting, I know. They're kind of a different fabric and I didn't really care for them at first. A lot of people probably won't find them appealing but I like em now! I won't be wearing them with a gray shirt like in this picture because that's kind of disgusting. Trust me, they'll be cute with the right outfit!

Oh, and I hope you enjoy my mismatched socks and my untoned legs!!

And, I got a dress for one of my friend's wedding! I am super excited about it. Again, I didn't like it at first on the hanger but I was like, "Eh, it's on sale, let's try it on." Once I had it on, I fell in love with it! It fit perfectly but I cannot gain a single pound within the next two months. Haha. It's a little short too so hopefully no creepers are attending this wedding? Maybe I should find a date? Do people bring "dates" to weddings? I do not know.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I'm hard to win over. I don't fall fast. There's some girls who fall so fast for guys and some guys that fall fast for girls. Sometimes all a guy can say "you're so beautiful" to a girl and that girl falls right into his trap, his trap of love...

I cannot fall for that. I can't take compliments. If someone tells me that kind of stuff I think they're either lying or just trying to get on my good side. Or I perceive it as a line and just say thanks as I think to myself "hmmm...how many other girls are you telling this to?"

So I guess I want to apologize to all you guys out there? Maybe you shouldn't even try with me? Haha....Nah, someday I'll find a guy that is genuine and realize that I am the ONLY girl he tells these things to.....that I'm the only girl he thinks about, wants to be with, etc..

And it's not that I think I'm better than any of the girls who take these compliments or the boys who are in pursuit..it's just...Blah...I don't know. It's just me.

Until then, I guess I'll just keep slamming people down and breaking hearts? No...no...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Someday I might know my heart ..

I did sleep until noon today and it rocked my life. I don't remember the last time I slept in 'til noon.

Today has been super lazy. My cat and I have been laying on the couch for the majority of the day. I've been reading The Last Song and that is good because it gives me a chance to focus on the story and not have to think and stress about things. I'm on page 189 and it's gooooooood. Sooooo ready for the romantic movie! I love romantic movies. Haha. I want to live by the beach. The beach seems so relaxing..just to take a towel and plop down in the sand and read a good book for the afternoon sounds amazing to me. Or just laying down and observing everyone. I love watching people.

Just the other day, I was getting gas and this van was parked by me. I didn't know who it belonged to until a cute little family strolled out of the gas station and rushed to the car. The dad opened the door for his two little kids and said, "Go ahead and put in another movie, but not Nemo again!" His kids starting giggling right as he shut the door. He caught my eye and smiled. I smiled back.....Cute families are adorable. And just for a split second, I pictured myself down the road with a family....

I’ve been chowing down on chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that my step dad brought home. It's pretty darn amazing.

I need to go for a run or do some sit-ups or some sort of exercise. Last time I did some lunges though, I was sore for three days! Haha!

Hmmm. Cheesecake sounds absolutely delicious right now.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm in love with books

I'm sooooo ready to get out of this funk. I know people say that's it's all about your attitude and I guess right now I kind of have a crappy one.

I've been working at Pizza Hut for two weeks and it still feels like the very first day. I just feel like I'm not picking stuff up as fast as I should be; I'm extremely slow. When I don't pick things up as fast as I'd like to, it frustrates me and I get really down on myself. This week has been dreadful because I just felt like I was doing so many things wrong and kept screwing up!

It seems as if this thing called work is taking over my life but that's growing up for you I guess. I need to grow up. It just stinks though because I feel like I'm having to miss out on a lot of stuff lately. I'm still hoping that my boss will let me off for the bachelorette party the last weekend in March. I've told her about it ahead of time but she didn't really say a whole lot. Hopefully though because I miss two of my best friends so much it hurts. I'm in serious need of some girl time and I'm sure they are too...

Oh, another depressing moment of my week. Today I checked my checking account balance. Yeah, it's not good. I'm ready to get paid......because this is not fun, it's stressful.

I need to write a letter back to Nan.
I need to go for a run.
I need to exercise.
I need my brother.
I need my friends desperately.

On the bright side, I found The Last Song at a grocery store today and totally got it. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to read all day tomorrow after I sleep all this crapiness off...I'm sleeping until noon tomorrow, no lie.

P.S. That might be a fake smile.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nothing like the blues

Megan's spring break = one big bore

Spring break would be sooooo much more exciting if I were in school and then got a week off, you know? But I'm not in school so it's just like any other week. Sleep, work, drive, eat, TV, computer. Wow, I am one exciting child.

I'm going through a nasty "Oh my gosh, my life is boring and depressing" phase. Haha. I love those. I seem to be running into a lot of these lately and I used to NEVER be like this! I'm pretty sure it's the whole being out of school thing.

The sad thing is, a lot of my friends are in New York living exciting lives or far, far away....so this spring break will basically consist of me and pizza. How romantic.

The highlight of today was receiving my Seventeen magazine in the mail. Yes, I am that pathetic!

And, it's like 8:45 and I'm seriously pondering going to bed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I need to live.

I’ve always thought I was a simple girl but I’m learning that I am very complex and confusing. I don’t know what I want. I am absolutely, positively unsure about almost everything in my life at the current moment.

I’m trying hard to be a dreamer and just let things happen and fall into place but I’m too much into the reality aspect of things and being practical.

I want to be spontaneous and adventurous but I don't think it's in my blood.

Am I afraid? Why do I not take risks? I tell everyone around me all the time to just go for it. Why can’t I follow my own advice?

I love pictures like this. I want a cute guy to take pictures with. Or do I?

I thought I wanted short hair but now I'm freaking out about it and reconsidering. This goes back to me being a baby and not taking risks because I don't deal well with change.

But change is inevitable. So why do I try to avoid it? Why can't I just welcome change and enjoy it?

I want time to speed up. I want fall to be here already so I can start school back up. At the same time, I want this summer to last forever so I don’t have to say good-bye.

I'm sick of having a job already. I want to be carefree and able to have free time to do things with friends and not having to worry about having to work. Yet, without a job, I would NOT be carefree because then I'd be worrying about money. Annnnd, I wouldn't have money to do things with friends.

I want to want this so bad but I don’t think I want it.

I miss my girl friends, each and every one of them. I miss uncontrollable laughter. I miss the past but I’m ready for a new beginning.

I want a summer romance, then again I don’t. I'll be leaving in the fall so is there any point to starting a relationship?

Oh my gosh....why can I just not LIVE?!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sittin' in trains, crusin' the town, and livin' life

I hadn’t been on a date in seven or eight months so I was completely out of practice before I headed off on my adventure to meet a sweet boy named Trevor.

I arrived at the bowling alley where we were supposed to meet fifteen minutes early. I guess I was just so darn excited! After thinking he was going to stand me up, he arrived and got the chance to see my old car. I’m surprised he still wanted to hang with a girl who drives a muddy ol’ grandma car. Ha!

After hopping into his car, we headed down to Gambino’s. I was totally checking out the back and watching them cut pizza since I’m a pro at that stuff now! Not….We ordered a Canadian bacon pizza and it was pretty darn delicious. I guess I’m not completely sick of pizza yet!

Then we ventured back to the bowling alley. We played three games altogether. I bet him by a little the first game, then he doubled my score the second, and finally I bet him in the last game. For the last game our goal was originally to try and get to a score of 300, our scores combined. About halfway through, we decided that there was no way that either of us could bowl a 150 so we changed our goal to 250. Turns out we only bowled a 215 altogether!

After bowling, Trevor decided that we should go get ice cream. So we headed to Braum’s and got some of that delicious stuff and ate in the car while driving around some more. We eventually ended up at a park and sitting in the train eating ice cream. After eating, we checked out the tennis court and I showed him how strong I was by not being able to do a single chin up. I rock.

We drove around, a lot on this date, getting lost at few times. Good stuff indeed. Of course, when there is nothing better to do, people always end up at Wal-Mart, so that’s exactly where we went. Trevor decided that we would start at the very end of the food aisles and make our way through every single one. So we ventured down those aisles, pointing out what we did and didn’t like and also what sort of stuff we used in our house. I even got to show him my favorite “aisle”, the cake aisle.

I learned that Trevor and I have a lot of differences. We came to the conclusion that every type of food that he liked, I didn’t. There was even one point where he said something like:
“Oh! I have an idea but you’re going to hate it because I’m going to love it!”
Other things I learned:
1.) I am even more horrible at throwing and catching a football than I thought I was.
2.) I do not know many songs. I think out of all the songs that he picked out that night to listen to, I probably knew only four or five.
3.) You can order tubs of ketchup at Sonic.
4.) I still get nervous for first dates.
5.) I've gotten worse at bowling.

All in all it was a good night. We did a ton of stuff and it was nice to hang out with someone who shares the same morals and values as I do. : ) We laughed and joked about booze crusin’ and such because we’re both not into that kind of stuff, which is a major plus. I even got to meet his mom on the first date!

Oh and I totally forgot to take a picture of the two of us. I am very ashamed of myself for that.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sooo hungry

After two hours of working, I get to go on my break. I ask one of my co-workers if we are allowed to eat food off of the buffet. He replies, "Yes, you just have to wait until the buffet isn't open anymore which is here pretty soon. I'll let you know when." So I'm like, "Cool" and decide to grab a booth and text a few people while I wait for FOOD.

Fifteen minutes pass and there is absolutely no one in the store. I start chugging my Mountain Dew because I need something to fill my stomach up! Twenty minutes pass and I soon realize that I only have ten more minutes of break left. So I'm like screw it. Just as I decide to get up and grab myself a big plate full of some serious pizza, bread sticks, and cinnamon sticks, two customers walk in. One of the waitresses walks up to them and says, "We have a few pizzas left on the buffet. Would you like the buffet or would you like to order something?"

I silently wish that they don't want the buffet. I mean who would? That pizza has been sitting up there for ten minutes longer than it should.

"We'll have the buffet."

NOOOOOO! There was no way I could go up there and grab me some food now. Dang customers were stuffing their faces. So I stayed in my seat for ten minutes, stomach growling.

But don't worry, I kept a lovely smile on my face! :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My life = boring

Man oh man I wish I could have something exciting to update you all on. I don't even know if anyone reads this. Well actually, I've had a few people tell me that they do.....but they probably don't anymore because I am dull!!

I'm home from Day 3 of Pizza Hut and my feet hurt. Oh, and I've recently discovered that I am whiny, very whiny.
"My throat hurts!"
"It's hot in here.."
"My feet hurt."
"I don't wanna work anymore."

Those are just a few things that have been coming out of my mouth lately. I'm hoping these whinyness goes away by next Monday because I'm beginning to annoy myself.

I wish my life was more exciting than this but right now it consists of driving, working, sleeping (barely), eating (barely), watching tv, and trying to catch up with people on Facebook. I definitely haven't had anything exciting lately and I'm in need of it, ASAP. Thank goodness I don't have to work Saturday so I guess I'll consider Saturday an "exciting" day.

Oh yeah, and I've been sick...which might have something to do with me being whiny. Hmmm. I don't know. I might be making up excuses for myself. But being sick is horrible, in case you didn't know. I'm kind of neglecting myself...Like my eyebrows, wow, I MIGHT have a uni brow soon. Also, I need to repaint my toenails ANNND I have zits like an adolescent. Go me.

P.s. I need to get a picture of me in my Pizza Hut uniform so you guys can all see how adorable I am! Haha.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Today was my first day at Pizza Hut. It was all right. All I basically did was put sauce and cheese on about 100 pizzas. Pretty intense I suppose but it made time go by fast. I followed a cook around all day trying to get used to everything and familiar with my space. There's a lot of stuff that I'm going to have to remember and I think it might take a while for me to memorize it all. Blah...It wasn't too bad but it wasn't exactly fun. I just kept thinking...by the end of this day, I'll be able to buy denim shorts! Haha! I am pathetic but I decided that if I'm wanting to make it through this, I'm going to have to have something motivating me.

I work five days this week. Today I worked 10-2. Tomorrow I work 10-2. That's basically just training. Then I skip Wednesday and work 11-5 on Thursday (I get to sleep in!). And then, I work Friday and Sunday but have Saturday off. Thank goodness, because I have a hot date. Ha.

All I know is that I am soooo ready for school to start back up. Once summer has been around for three months and August gets here, I am NEVER ready to go back. I haven't even been out for three months and I've been ready to go back at least a week ago. I think it's just because school is all I've ever known. I treat school like a job! I'm so dedicated to it and put all myself into it. I'm good at school. I'm comfortable with it....so I'm just soooooo ready for August. I don't know how I'm going to be able to survive another five months without you school. Then again, once August does hit, I have to leave my friends and that'll be sad..

Sorry no pictures. Maybe I'll actually get you guys an interesting post for once.