Friday, March 5, 2010

Sooo hungry

After two hours of working, I get to go on my break. I ask one of my co-workers if we are allowed to eat food off of the buffet. He replies, "Yes, you just have to wait until the buffet isn't open anymore which is here pretty soon. I'll let you know when." So I'm like, "Cool" and decide to grab a booth and text a few people while I wait for FOOD.

Fifteen minutes pass and there is absolutely no one in the store. I start chugging my Mountain Dew because I need something to fill my stomach up! Twenty minutes pass and I soon realize that I only have ten more minutes of break left. So I'm like screw it. Just as I decide to get up and grab myself a big plate full of some serious pizza, bread sticks, and cinnamon sticks, two customers walk in. One of the waitresses walks up to them and says, "We have a few pizzas left on the buffet. Would you like the buffet or would you like to order something?"

I silently wish that they don't want the buffet. I mean who would? That pizza has been sitting up there for ten minutes longer than it should.

"We'll have the buffet."

NOOOOOO! There was no way I could go up there and grab me some food now. Dang customers were stuffing their faces. So I stayed in my seat for ten minutes, stomach growling.

But don't worry, I kept a lovely smile on my face! :)

1 comment:

  1. aww :*(

    Well I hope you managed to eat something then when you got home.
