Wednesday, March 17, 2010

These stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to

My brother got back from New York last night. Mom and I went to pick him up around 11:30 p.m. last night. It's good to have the kid back but good gosh, we've been fighting it up, and usually we never fight so it's kind of weird. He got me some cute souvenirs though. Haha.

We've been watching Disney movies and stuff all day, being lazy bums. We went through Mary Poppins, the Aristocats, and then The Little Mermaid. I love Disney movies...Then we watched American Idol.

My favorite girl got voted off American Idol tonight and sang "The Story" for her ending song. My favorite lyrics from the song are mentioned in my title.

I didn't have to work today or yesterday but I have to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...and then I'll probably end up having to work the next five days too! Depressing much. So I basically don't get to spend a lot of time with anyone. Hopefully I can hang out with one of my friends sometime.

Mom and I spent the day shopping yesterday. I finally got a pair of denim shorts and for only $10! Exciting, I know. They're kind of a different fabric and I didn't really care for them at first. A lot of people probably won't find them appealing but I like em now! I won't be wearing them with a gray shirt like in this picture because that's kind of disgusting. Trust me, they'll be cute with the right outfit!

Oh, and I hope you enjoy my mismatched socks and my untoned legs!!

And, I got a dress for one of my friend's wedding! I am super excited about it. Again, I didn't like it at first on the hanger but I was like, "Eh, it's on sale, let's try it on." Once I had it on, I fell in love with it! It fit perfectly but I cannot gain a single pound within the next two months. Haha. It's a little short too so hopefully no creepers are attending this wedding? Maybe I should find a date? Do people bring "dates" to weddings? I do not know.

1 comment:

  1. Looks cute Megan btw.
    As for the whole date thing that is just a personal touch. Most people that I know though do bring a date or at least a friend with them to the wedding. Guess you could ask Andrew then =)
