Thursday, July 14, 2011

There are more good people in this world than bad

Today, my car broke down. And it was scary. I couldn't find my emergency lights for the life of me (I should have known where these were but I've never had to before) So I was stranded on the road at a stoplight. So whenever the light turned green, I would wave people on past me while I continued to search for my lights....

People honked at me. People yelled at me. People stared at me. People are mean.

I frantically continued calling everyone I knew in the city to help me or at least give me directions on what I should do. I'm such a girl. But I didn't want to screw anything up any more than I all ready had.

Finally I reached my friend's mom and she said she was all ready in the area and would be there soon. Just as I hung up, a man in a Culligan truck pulled over, and put on his emergency lights. He got out and asked if I needed any help. I started speaking, extremely fast, noticing that my voice was quivering. He told me that he would help me push my car across the street and out of the way.

For me, this one kind man who offered to help, overpowered all the mean people. I'll forget the mean things people have done, but I'll always remember the kindness from people.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that someone was able to help you during your time of need! I have ran into these same times... and you wonder why people have to be so mean... They shouldn't honk or yell... but offer a helping hand if they see you stuck. Just keep the change going.. and the next time you see someone needing a helping hand, make sure you give it.
