Monday, July 18, 2011

True friends can go long periods of time without speaking and never question their friendship.

This is true.

Life gets busy and sometimes you don't always get the chance to check up on your loved ones. It's not as if you forget about them; it's just that life overtakes and before you know it, it's been a month since you last communicated with someone you once spoke to every single day.

I was recently feeling down because a good friend of mine wasn't responding to my texts one bit, even when I asked questions. I was beginning to feel as if I was starting to annoy him.

We chatted on Facebook and he said something that completely reassured me.

"You shouldn't need reassurance of our friendship Megan. Not responding to a few texts doesn't wipe away 9 years in the slightest."

I knew that. That's what I always tell my friends when I realize that I haven't been communicating very well. You don't need to be reassurance.

The thing is... sometimes you do. Sometimes people need to hear it. Sometimes it's nice to get a response back, especially when you haven't spoke to someone in a while. It's nice to get a random "I love you".

If you love someone, tell them; tell them as often as you can.

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