Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm ready......

To get back out into the dating world. The world of men. The world of relationships.

Now when I go places with friends, I always say, "Tonight, we're going to meet our soulmates!" But, I never take it seriously. Well, today is the day. The start. The journey to finding my soulmate.

I've been single for 2 1/2 years. I've kind of bashed love for the last two, and especially in the last year for multiple reasons that we will not get into right now.

I've been asked out on many dates in the past but I've just blown them off, nonchalantly. Or just never followed through.

But now I am happy with myself. I'm at a good place. I think I'm ready to find someone.

Someone to have late night chats with...

Someone to surprise....

Someone to take cute pictures with....

I'm ready to get ready for a date. I'm ready for someone to care about me and check in on me, just because.

Now, this doesn't mean that I'm going to lower my expectations and go on dates with just anyone. It just means I'm going to be more open. More open to love.

I'm ready for someone to give me butterflies. And I'm ready to find someone who I can be myself with.


  1. This makes me happy. When you give your heart to someone, there is always potential for hurt. But without the risk you will never experience the joy that can come out of loving someone and having him love you. I know just the right man is out there and he will appreciate and adore you for exactly who you are....and that is WONDERFUL!

  2. LIKE!

    Good luck Megan with your endeavor!
