Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nothing wrong with a hotdog and a hanger

Dylan, Patrick, and I decided that we would go camping on Thursday night. Thursday morning, I headed to work at Pizza Hut hoping that 5 p.m. would come fast so I could do something halfway exciting in my life! On my break, I texted Patrick to see what I needed to buy for this adventure. He texted back saying, “Buy some slim jims for hot dogs.” Okay, so at this point I was confused. Why the heck would I buy slim jims instead of hot dogs? We would end up starving! After work I headed to the grocery store, tried calling Pat to see what he meant. Of course, no answer. So then I called grumpy Dylan and asked, “Am I supposed to buy hot dogs?” He got mad and told me I was an idiot or something. I ended up buying hot dogs and searched all over the store for a container of slim jims to go along with the hot dogs. I couldn’t find any but the off brand and I figured Pat would be ticked. He’s an on brand kind of guy.

After arriving at Patrick’s house, I told him all the trouble I had went through and how confused he had left me. He CRACKED up. Turns out these “slim jims” are the things that you put hot dogs on while cooking them over the fire. I did not know this at all. And I don’t know why Patrick would think that I would know this. I mean, c’mon! So the camping trip was off to a “great” start.

We packed all of our junk up and headed to the middle of a pasture. We forgot fire wood so we had to look all over the place, gathering huge logs that Patrick later chopped with his axe. It took a good hour for the boys to start the fire. I was on “grass duty” as Patrick calls it, gathering dead grass to get this thing going. I still have blisters from ripping that stuff out of the ground. I’m so tough!

Finally the fire started up. Another mistake that happened on this trip was that the stakes for the tent were missing. We completely had to improvise, using all sorts of things that Patrick found in the bed of his truck.

The hot dogs were amazing. Good laughs, good pictures, and good times shared by all.

We went to bed around 3 a.m. I couldn’t get to sleep for the life of me because it was so hot. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep somewhere around four and woke up at least every thirty minutes. Yuck. We woke up bright and early at 7:15 a.m. I felt absolutely disgusting considering the sun was beaming in and I had slept in my contacts. Ew. That’s the worst feeling ever though, waking up sweating in a tent!

All in all, it was good times. I love those boys!


  1. I did enjoy your comment. More importantly, I was happy to find out someone actually reads my blog.

    Also, if it makes you feel any better, I had no idea that those things were called slim jims either.

  2. Ha! Yeah i loooove reading people's blogs!

    and yes!! that makes me feel a TON better.
