Monday, September 6, 2010

This is what friends are for

I seriously have the best people in my life. I'm literally living for the weekends. I used to live for the weekends so I could go home and be with the family but now I'm living to see my friends and spend times with them!

On Friday two old friends of mine and one new friend went roller skating! It was hilarious. I hadn't been there since I was ten. Needless to say, I struggled quite a bit and probably looked dumb but it was fun. After skating we headed to Burger King and then to Andrew's house to watch a movie. Two of his friends came over and we bonded until 3:30 in the morning. Yessssssss.

Saturday morning we really didn't do a whole lot. Joc, me, Tony, and Truston hit up the Pizza Hut buffet. Then Joc and I headed into Wal Mart to get supplies for the cook out at Andrew's house that night. We laid out on his hammock for awhile tipping over backwards in it, cracking up. Around seven, the cook out started and Joc's fam was there, Andrew's fam, and some friends of Matthew. My family wasn't there which I guess is kind of weird. But then again, my friends' families are like my family so it's really nice having them all around. We ate, we talked, we laughed, we took pictures. Towards the end of the night we decided to lay out and stargaze. Andrew said he saw two shooting stars. I don't believe him. I still always manage to miss them....We laid out on a blanket and at one point I swear we laughed for five minutes straight. I could NOT breathe! It was so funny...These are the moments I live for. Just being with friends without a care in the world.

Around 11 we headed to one of Andrew's friend's house for a party. They had adorable little kittens there that we all played with. We basically just sat around and talked. Best party I've ever attended. Ha.

Sunday we headed to Joc's church times. Then she headed to her dad's house and Andrew and I hung out for a bit until Nicole came! YAY! I hadn't seen her since May so it was exciting. We went to the mall and bought each other dresses for our birthdays. She bought me this adorable lace dress:

It's sooo cute! I'm excited to wear it. I need to get a man...or someone to go on cute random dates with! I always need to buy more hangers because this town is tearing me up. I've bought so many clothes already...I got this cute green dress from Goodwill:

I'll probably wear it tomorrow.

What else? Oh, Nicole, Andrew, and I sat around on the hammock and had deep conversations. Always fun.

Today I went to lunch with my dad, uncle, and brother. Then Dylan and I hung out for the day. We went over to Joc's house and played cards and a board game for like four hours with her family. :)

I'm really enjoying it though...everything really. The school is good. Classes are good. I know the town well. I have friends that aren't far and I have friends' families here that I know I can count on....

Like I've said before and will say again, "Nothing is going according to plan; it's going better." :)


  1. I enjoyed this weekend very much so! Looks like I was there lots too :P Glad you had fun, lets do it again :)

  2. You could wear that green dress to Karen's wedding! The lace dress is so pretty. Love you!
