Saturday, December 25, 2010

Last year's resolutions

These were my top three resolutions for last year...and now, we're just going to look at these and reflect...I'm not sure if I met any of these goals!! HA

1. GROW UP - I am a very immature person and very naive. I need to step up and get out in the world and do something with myself..instead of just staying sheltered for the rest of my life.

2. EAT HEALTHY - I'm addicted to sweets, pop, etc. You know, all that horrible stuff for you. Yeah, I eat candy like it's candy. Anyways, I don't think I'll be one of those people to completely cut out pop or something completely for the whole year, but it wouldn't hurt to cut down.

3. BE MORE ADVENTUROUS - I'm not a risk taker. At all. This year I hope to not take things so seriously and not plan everything out. I need to be more spontaneous and just go for something, without having second thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You have been exposed to some hard times and different times just recently. As I see it, you have been very grown up on how you dealt with everything. Yet, you still act like a kid when you are around me at times, but I am ok with that!

    2. Well...umm... You still need to work on that... haha! Next year we will attack that together!

    3. You have been way more adventurous! Taking a few more risks than normal. Still can work on it, but you have improved!

