Monday, July 19, 2010

Family Vacation

I have the best family. Now, I know everybody says that but I really think that I do! Ha. I don't want to brag or anything...I may not have the best car, or the best job but I do have the best family!

We had soooo much fun. I won't go into too much detail because I'd bore you all. There were lots of bonding times out on the deck talking about life. I found out that I'm a lot more like my Nana than I realized. We talked about marriage and boys. She told me, "I would always find boys that I would like but then after I found one flaw I was finished." I'm exactly like that! So great.

We did a lot of shopping and eating. Ellen, Addie, and I got an old time photo for $45. Ouch...none of us even ended up liking it! At one time us four wanted to order pizza but Pizza Hut wouldn't deliver to us! We were upset! We went hungry that night..

The lake was great times for all. We went tubing and played Blokus. I enjoy the water a lot..but I don't think I'm adventurous enough to live by it! Ha!

But my family, they're adorable. All the spouses end up wearing the same color of shirt on most days. I don't even think they plan it. My uncle and aunt that we rode with are ADORABLE. I want a marriage just like them. They laugh and joke a lot and are just cute!

I wish I live closer to all of them. Spending the holidays with them just isn't enough. I never realize how much I truly miss each and every one until I am with them.

When we were getting ready to leave on Sunday Nan said, "It's so sweet to see all of you kids together." And she started to cry! It was horribly sad.

It's nice to be home I suppose. Vacations are great. They really do take your mind off of everything. My cousins and I kept saying stuff like,
"If your boyfriend cheated on you back home, everything is fine here!"
"If you're pale at home, you're tan here!"
"If you are taken at home, you're single here!"

Loved it. Every single minute.

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