Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I swear i'm organized

Welcome to my room. The place where nothing really happens but a whole lot of stuff collects. I don't remember the last time I put away clothes. I kind of just leave them lying on my bed and then dig stuff out to wear. Tonight I played dress up, from my own closet. Is that lame? Ha. I'm thinking I need to quit buying clothes so I need to start mixing up outfits better.

And what is all this craziness?!?!

Oh, that's just my scrapbook leftovers! Ridiculous.

I need to get chopping my hair. I think I'm going to try and grow it out again. Look how long it was!!

Eight more hours of the Hut!

1 comment:

  1. Anytime I go to your place it always seems clean! Sadly, it doesn't look clean now >.> BTW! Nice dress :) Looks good on you!
