Monday, February 8, 2010

With friends like mine, who needs boys?

Hmmm, what to update you all on. The past week hasn't been all that exciting, but this weekend was so much fun. Nicole and Jocelyn came down and we had a blast. We all hung out together at the homecoming and saw a few of our old friends. We helped Christa get ready and prepared to be the 2010 Homecoming queen!

Mainly the weekend was full of a lot of junk food, movies, laughter, and pictures. Jocelyn and I were able to hang out all day Saturday together. It was good to get a chance to catch up and hang out just one on one with her. We made hilarious videos for Andrew and Justin and cracked up. It was sooooo much fun.

It just stinks now because they're gone. It's the awful empty feeling inside because I miss them so much. I'll go downstairs and see the remains of my friends such as all the blankets.....Now they're back to being four hours away from me. Hopefully I get up there though sometime soon. Maybe when I get back to college in the fall, I'll only be an hour and a half from them. I'll even be an hour closer to Lindsay. Then it'll just be Christa that is my SUPER far away friend...:(

So I've been without pop for a week but I've been slamming some serious Gatorade. Haha. Still, my heart has been I might need to give up all sweets? Hmm, I don't know. I ate an apple today, hoping that the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is true.

Hopefully I'll have a nice Valentine's post up soon!
Hope everyone is doing well.

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