Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thunder and Lighting

There used to be a snow cone flavor from my hometown sno wizard called Thunder and Lighting...It was the best! But, it's thundering and lightning here and it's really not the best. I'm such a whiner but I don't like the rain and the country; it's just not a good combination.

I've been working like crazy but my last paycheck was quite exciting. Too bad it's all going to graduation gifts! Haha. Christa and I are planning on heading somewhere to get grad gifts on Saturday. Can you believe it? I actually get a Saturday off! I'm going to live it up, no doubt.

Jocelyn goes in for surgery tomorrow and I am getting nervous just thinking about it. I've known her forever and it's just weird thinking about it. Her dad had a get together for her last night and I couldn't make it up there because of work. Growing up stinks. But, I felt absolutely horrible...I'm kind of slacking as a friend. However, I did make her a card but I don't think it got to her in time. :(

So mom and I are planning on going to visit her either Tuesday or Wednesday. I need to get a care package together with some little gifts...

Life other than all that has been pretty good. Been spending some time with Christa. Nicole will be down in two weeks. Soon my brother will be home all the time since school will be done. Then it's summer time! Christa and I are in the process of making a list of things to do this summer since it'll be our last summer together. Depressing? I swear, Christa is my summer friend. I basically live at her house during the summer so it'll be weird without her and Patrick. Sad. I'm getting sad!

I also miss my dad like crazy. I will randomly see dads and their kids in Pizza Hut sharing a pizza and I get all depressed. Dad, Dylan, and I always bond it up with pizza! Haha. It just makes me miss him.

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