Thursday, May 27, 2010

And I thought I was sensitive...

I am a sensitive girl, who takes everything to heart and gets hurt very easily.

My skin is no different.

I've had sensitive skin that gets irritated easily since well, practically forever. When I was younger I'd get rashes in the creases of my legs and elbows. They'd itch for days and were disgusting to look at. My mom has told me that even a tiny lady bug could crawl across my arm and it would end up leaving a red trail I can barely climb on haybales or play in the wheat without my skin breaking out into all sorts of tiny bumps. My skin just reacts to EVERYTHING.

Well, ever since Pizza Hut I have been having this rash. Pretty sure it's from the soap and washing dishes. It started out as just a tiny little ring shaped on my left wrist. I joked to my friends about having ringworm. Just recently it's broke out into this:

Left Arm:

Right Arm:

It's disgusting, I know this.

And, my mom has bought me all sorts of products.

I started off with the one on the right. Didn't help. Then mom bought me the huge bottle and it made it worse I think. So now I'm sticking with the last tube and taking some Benadryl for the itching. That's what the local pharmacist told us to do. Yeah, mom made me go to the Wal-Mart pharmacist and see what he said. Awkward.

I should probably just go to the doctor.

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