Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nothing too exciting

So, I don't remember when I last wrote, but there really hasn't been anything to update you all on. I've started cleaning my room and my goal is to have my entire bed filled with things to take to Goodwill. I also have a gigantic trash pile starting. It's horrible because I am such a PACKRAT! I keep the dumbest a schedule of JH scholars' bowl tournaments, track records, little notes from people. Geez, it's ridiculous. I also got started on the old boyfriends' drawer and found some lovely stuff in there. Dang, I was a lucky girl. I had some sweet boyfriends who wrote some adorable stuff for me! :P

Yesterday, did some more cleaning, watched a movie with mom, and then decided to go watch Avatar with Dylan and Patrick. Pretty sure I was the only one in the universe who hadn't seen it. Or, at least that's what it seems like....along with the Blindside. I still haven't seen that movie.

There we are in our hot glasses. They had a box thing to dispose of the glasses after the show. Of course, Patrick ended up coming out with his saying, "Hey, did you see the drop box?" I'm pretty sure he saw it and was just pretending not to. Anyways, Avatar was a good movie I suppose. I mean, better than I thought it was going to be. Yeah, that's not saying much considering I had no expectations for it whatsoever! Ha...

Tomorrow starts the job search. I am determined to get a job..I mean and I have to. I told myself that if I don't have a job by the beginning of February, I will move to Lawrence with dad for more opportunities..Maybe even work a clothing store? That'd be fun.

Well, I'm off to eat lunch at 1:30. Little smokies are what's on the menu for today! MMmmMmmMmMmmmmmmmMmmMmmMmMmMMMmmmmmmMmmmmMmmMmm


  1. haha :P Ya... I saw that movie when it first came out, and I also kept by glasses! I didn't know where the box was either... haha! Have fun cleaing and good luck with the job search!

  2. Whatever! You guys are such just wanted to keep the glasses!
