Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another year over and a new one just begun

Christmas is over. We just took our ornaments off the tree on Sunday so the bare tree has been still standing proudly in the living room. That is, until tonight. We finally loaded it out the door for the trash man to pick up.

I love Christmas time because it's such a magical time and everything just feels right. I'm sad it's over but I know it'll be here before we know it.

Now it is time to celebrate the new year. I always make new year's resolutions but there's only been one or two times where I actually wrote out a list. This year I actually did make a list and I will share just a few with you.

1. GROW UP - I am a very immature person and very naive. I need to step up and get out in the world and do something with myself..instead of just staying sheltered for the rest of my life.

2. EAT HEALTHY - I'm addicted to sweets, pop, etc. You know, all that horrible stuff for you. Yeah, I eat candy like it's candy. Anyways, I don't think I'll be one of those people to completely cut out pop or something completely for the whole year, but it wouldn't hurt to cut down.

3. BE MORE ADVENTUROUS - I'm not a risk taker. At all. This year I hope to not take things so seriously and not plan everything out. I need to be more spontaneous and just go for something, without having second thoughts.

Okay, so I had a list of fifteen things but suddenly I've forgotten the rest.

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