Thursday, January 14, 2010

I didn't think this would happen..

Okay so I remember visiting my college's campus for the first time nearly two years ago. I visited with a teacher about the college and this is what he told me: "A lot of students come in kicking and screaming because they don't want to come and when it's time to graduate, they're kicking and screaming because they don't want to leave." I am proof that this quote is true.

Now that I have graduated, I regret wishing that time would go by quicker. Sad to say, I really miss it for numerous reasons.

I miss the friends that I made. I made some extremely good friends while I was there. People who shared the same morals as me. I really didn't think I would find anyone like that, but I did. I also miss the newspaper staff. They were all so much fun to be around.

I miss living in a somewhat small city. I'm a city girl at heart but now I'm back to living in the country. Personally, living in the country scares the heck out of me. I always hear strange noises at night and it freaks me out. Of course, I already have a big imagination so I run all sorts of scenarios in my head. At college I was able to sleep just fine, not worrying about what was lurking outside.

Another thing, which is really lame..but I actually got to wear good clothes! I always thought of outfits to wear the night before class and jewelry to match. Now that I'm back at home there really isn't anyone to impress. I don't really do anything during the weekdays so that leaves two days to wear decent clothes. Monday-Friday I basically lounge around in shorts and a T-shirt with my hair in a ponytail.

Right now I'm feeling rather unproductive and kind of just...I don't's not depressed, I know that. I think I'm just feeling down and as if I'm losing myself. I haven't been out of school like this for so long. I'm used to feeling stressed, having big projects to do, articles to write, homework to finish, deadlines to meet, meetings to attend, etc. Now, it's just nothing. Yeah, I'm still on the job search but I just have lost all motivation for that already. I don't know what my problem is! Usually I'm so motivated, always trying to succeed but now I'm just being ridiculous and lazy. I mean, I guess it's good that I can admit it. So, I basically just miss college for putting me to work!

Yeah, that's my whining for tonight. Good news is my mom picked "Dear John" up for me at the library today! I'll most likely have it finished by tomorrow...such a book worm.

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