Monday, April 5, 2010

My Best Friend

There are a lot of people who talk about having a certain best day of their life. My brother and I have discussed this over and over again, naming good times or good days in our lives. Most of them have to do with friends. We both decided that the best day of our lives was my 18th birthday party when we had both of our groups of friends over just to hang out and enjoy each other's company.

I'm starting to reconsider my best day because I think I might have found one that is better. Sadly, I can't even remember the best day of my life, for I was only two and a half years old. But, without a doubt I know it was the best day of my life.

Without this day I wouldn't be anywhere near the person I am today. I'd probably be miserable and down a lot. I know I for sure wouldn't laugh a lot, have as many inside jokes, or have as many good times in my life. I just wouldn't be me.

The best day of my life was April 4, 1992, the day my little brother was born.

Happy birthday to Dylan, a day late!

I thought I'd share a random poem I wrote last semester in college. I think we were supposed to write about a best friend or someone really close to us.

My Best Friend

He stands at six foot two.
He wears skinny jeans with his converse shoes.

He has freckles, shaggy hair, and hazel eyes.
He is different from the rest of the guys.

He always has a smile on his face.
There isn’t another who could take his place.

He is creative and super smart.
There is no girl good enough to capture his heart.

He bursts out into random song for no reason at all,
and his favorite place to sing is on the way to the mall.

He is picky when it comes to food,
and when it comes to buying new clothes, he couldn’t choose.

He is bad at apologies and can be critical at times,
and he always seems to think his way is right.

He played Barbies with me and I played hot wheels with him.
We continued to play legos, long after we were ten.

He watches Project Runway and reality shows with me,
when he has nothing to do but sit and watch TV.

He makes me smile when everything is going downhill,
and he listens to me when no one else will.

He gets me into trouble by making me laugh,
when we sing in church, standing way in the back.

He gets on my nerves when he talks so loud,
but we all know without him, it would be an empty house.

He is my brother and will be with me until the end,
but most of all, he is my best friend.

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