Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just haven't met you yet

I love Michael Buble...and his newest song.

these lyrics -
"Talk myself in, talk myself out,
I get all worked up and then I let myself down"

Yep. That's me. :)

I stayed at Christa and Patrick's house basically all weekend. I usually do that during the summer...I just go and live there for a few days. Haha...The boys (Dylan and Patrick) and I watched New Moon on Friday night. That was quite exciting. I only watched it since I read the book. It's kind of a must.

Dylan and I were starving today so we went into a tiny town around 15 miles away or so from us and got some pizza...and some dessert pizza.The leftovers are in the fridge. I might go get some soon. It's crazy that I'm not sick of pizza yet, just sick of pizza hut. She's like upgrading my hours and I end up working more and more every week. I know I should be happy about this but oh my gosh. It's like taking over my life. And I have no time for life. I get home and I just want to stay put because I'm so drained and blah. I don't know why though because school is more stressful than this. Blah. But I have to work all next weekend and I had like something that I was pondering about going to on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and now I'm going to have to miss them all. BLAHHHH again.

Four more months.

It's really nasty outside so I kind of just want to curl up and watch movies all night. I might do that. Ha. It's soooo cold in here too! Oh my gosh. But, I have a lot of stuff on my list of things to do. I'll probably do them tomorrow since it's my one out of two days off. Probably going to try and go to the high school track meet on Tuesday if I can manage to hurry and get home early enough...I need to support my friends better.

Oh and I want some tweed shorts like this. And I still need to get a good purse.

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