Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's hot out there

I'm at work. And bored. Everyone went to lunch so I'm just staring at my computer screen. I all ready balanced my checkbook.....(now you can see how bored I am)

It's terribly hot outside. 102 degrees to be exact. I had to walk around for a camp we're putting on and I believe I just might have gotten tan.

I might start cleaning off my desk. Or not. I might just work on newspaper articles for next semester.

I'm ready to head home for a few days. Actually, I'm ready to head home for a few months but that won't happen, considering I'm a grow up now and must stay put to earn money.

1 comment:

  1. Balanced your checkbook? Awesome! Sorry that work has been boring to you =( At least you are getting ahead on your stories for the paper! It has been terribly hot outside. Blegh. Working on your tan is always a good thing ;-)
    Too bad you can't stay home till classes start :-(
