Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm sorry

This is an apology to all my followers (if those exist) for not writing. Life has a way of getting in the way sometimes. I guess it’s a good sign that I’m not blogging because it means I’m living and don’t have time.

So let me catch you all up on 2011.

I’m now editor of the school paper. I basically was before but now I get a little more pay. I’ve been trying to work on a new layout and get things going so we can have a much better year and hopefully win some awards at the annual conference.

This season of the Bachelorette is amazing.

I'm trying to save money.

I love going to school where I go. I love the people and I cannot believe that I will be a senior. Un.Bee.Leave.A.Bowl. Finals went well and I came out with a 4.0 for Spring Semester.

I've learned a lot.

I'm getting really good at multiple cards games.

I’m still broke. But I now have two jobs that I love! Even if you don’t enjoy the work, it’s the people are really what make a job good and the experience enjoyable. If you don’t like the people you’re working with, you’re going to have a crappy experience most likely. Plus I dog and cat sit randomly, and might be getting a third job which is cleaning an office building once a week with my friend Jocelyn’s family…and newspaper income. So I’ll be okay. Everyone tells me that most college kids have no money in their bank account so I guess I’m doing okay. Just trying to save.

I'm one percent from being underweight.

I'm going to Vegas in September.

I’ve been trying to go home every month to see the family. My mom moved so now we’re somewhere different. It doesn’t bother me except every once in a while. But I’ve just learned that home isn’t the place you’ve grown up in or spent the majority of your time in; it’s where your friends and family are.

I’m still loving life and happy as ever, despite all the rough times that occur. I have a great set of friends and family.


  1. Glad to see you haven't forgotten about you blog! Also, it was nice to see your overview on your entire year :P Where is "Dancing with the Stars"?! haha! Have fun and nice to see this thing still exists.

  2. It still bothers me sometimes, too...the move. But we have to put our chins up, Wilbur, even if it wasn't of our choosing. We are strong girls! I'm glad to see you writing again, and I love that you are happy and fulfilled. You are amazing, and I love you!
